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哥伦比亚特区靠谱的滚球平台协会. 总部设在我们国家的首都, 我们的会员遍布世界各地, 覆盖全美50个州和80多个国家. From Atlanta to Seoul, 从瑞士到圣胡安, our work as attorneys, professors, judges, business owners, advocates, 甚至作为厨师和艺术家, 将我们团结在一个共同的全球法律社区.

我们为那些努力想要被听到的人发出声音. We help invigorate our towns and innovate ways to advance our professions. We practice law. We teach. We learn.

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Deborah Kelly

回顾黛博拉·凯利的职业生涯轨迹, one might assume that Kelly got to where she is today through a series of calculated and purposeful decisions.

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Marnie Hammel

玛妮·哈默尔作为D.C. attorney is quite hectic. 了解玛妮如何实现她崇高的目标.

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Stuart Newberger

大多数诉讼靠谱的滚球平台都有一定程度的狂妄自大. 斯图尔特·纽伯格就是这样的人.

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Nicole M. Cober

Attorney. Entrepreneur. Author. Nicole M. Cober discusses how her greatest professional setback “forced me to be authentic.”

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Fabrice Coles

Despite his legal degrees, Fabrice Coles says the best education he has received has been through his work on Capitol Hill.

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Bill Eskridge

It’s not an understatement to say that Bill Eskridge has changed American history.

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Brian Rohal

He’s called himself a serial career-changer, but it finally seems as if D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台布莱恩·罗哈尔找到了一个地方.

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Tristia Bauman

Tristia Bauman has always known which career path she would take—even as a young child she was sensitive to equality and fairness and fought for the underdogs.

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Krystyna Colantoni

Krystyna Colantoni first fell in love with technology when she was a little girl. 她说,她面对逆境,但证明了那些诋毁她的人是错误的.

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Anita Earls

安妮塔·厄尔斯想成为北卡罗来纳州最高法院的法官. To get there, the civil rights lawyer has to win an election in North Carolina.

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Jon Decker

乔恩·德克尔(Jon Decker)最近的成就可能很难超越. He became the only daily member of the White House press corps with a law degree.

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Catalina Martinez

2017年飓风“厄玛”袭击时, the Small Business Administration put out a call for employees willing to go to Florida to help.

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Geetanjali Bhushan

For Geetanjali Bhushan, Solstrat Solutions的创始人兼首席执行官, 成功来之不易, or happen on first try.

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Timothy Finch

蒂莫西·芬奇曾做过自行车信使, 在一家自行车配件厂工作, 作为即兴表演演员在全国巡回演出, 起诉针对妇女的暴力犯罪.

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Carroll Savage

If it weren’t for his important role in helping institute a new era of retirement plans, this could be seen as a story of a lawyer who found another calling in sailing.

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Jim Wang

吉姆·王是中国和加拿大公民, 但他最引以为傲的是他的美国公民身份.

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Alyssa Senzel

从法学院毕业后不久, Alyssa Senzel took on a pro bono case with a colleague for a transgender woman who wanted to adopt her foster child.

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Jeff Feinstein

Attorney-turned-teacher Jeff Feinstein applies his belief about a lawyer’s job of “not to argue but to persuade" to his students.

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Kate McKnight

D.C. Bar member Kate McKnight discusses finding the ultimate career satisfaction in standing up for her clients.

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Jennifer Maisel

A lawyer who chooses a career path inside a boxing gym might be seen as a bit pugilistic. But Jennifer Maisel is actually a soft-spoken, careful IP attorney.

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Michele Zavos

Throughout her career, 米歇尔·扎沃斯见证了巨大的社会变革, working during the height of the AIDS crisis and at the forefront of LGBT issues.

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Sirine Shebaya

Sirine Shebaya, 穆斯林靠谱的滚球平台事务所的高级职员靠谱的滚球平台, realized she “wanted to be working with people and having an immediate impact.”

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Herbert Dubin

Herbert Dubin, now 77, has been in solo practice since 1983 and still loves the different challenges of practicing law.

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Jade Wu

Read about how rule-of-law expert Jade Wu has learned to navigate cultural differences to make a difference abroad.

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Claudio Gnocchi和Paolo Gnocchi

移民在法庭上常常遭遇困难. English is often not their first language, and misunderstandings are rife.

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Bryan Webster

Bryan Webster was sitting at a bar in Seattle after a job interview, 以为是为了在华盛顿谋个职位, D.C.他当时住在那里.

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Sharra Greer

当Sharra Greer第一次见到她的妻子, D’Arcy Kemnitz, they got into a “heated” conversation about the Millennium March on Washington in 2000.

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Kathleen Mueller

Lawyers who are looking for a work-life balance plus a flourishing career might start by looking at what Kathleen Mueller has done.

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Thomas Lenz

When Thomas Lenz decided to focus on labor law, he was told it was a “dead area.”

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Vanessa Sophir

As the D.C. 酒吧庆祝母亲节, 我们关注凡妮莎·索菲亚, a former public defender who took a 10-year break to raise her three children.

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Michael Allen

迈克尔·艾伦是个顾家的男人, 一位在牙买加顿悟后选择从事法律工作的靠谱的滚球平台, and a political junkie.

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Jim Markwith

When Jim Markwith graduated college, he had two choices: law school or flight school.

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Dennis Archer

按照各种标准,丹尼斯·阿彻博士.C. Bar member since its founding in 1972, has had quite the career.

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Shannon Nash

The lawyer, tax specialist, 注册会计师, and entrepreneur has taken her peripatetic life and fashioned it into a series of jobs and other ventures.

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Keith M. Harper

After years working as U.S. representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, 基思·哈珀回到了私人诊所.

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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson says, “If you crack a door open, I’ll kick it open.他踢了一脚,开启了他的职业生涯,开创了许多第一次.

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Judge Harry Storm

Judge Harry Storm talks to the Bar about a range of topics from the importance of civility in the practice of law to his view from the bench.

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Timothy C. Hester

"My proudest moment as a lawyer came when I was able to successfully argue for a last-minute stay of execution for a client."

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Monty Cooper

“There are all sorts of new and interesting areas that are on the horizon. 网络安全就是一个例子.”

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Elina Hum

“I was fortunate to be unfortunate in having difficulty in finding a job after law school in 1982, when there were very few opportunities for public interest work, which is my passion.”

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Regina DeMeo

“当我开始练习时,我在工作中非常临床. I viewed all of my cases like a surgeon dealing with a cancerous growth.”

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Jill Yu

“我协助启动了D.C. 全国菲裔美国靠谱的滚球平台协会分会.”

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Dave Calabrese

“I became interested in the legal profession because as a nonlawyer I always enjoyed getting into the minutiae of regulations and laws.”

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Andrew C. Dye

“I had worked in many different career fields before choosing to go to law school, 这些工作都以某种方式涉及到法律领域.”

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Naza N. Shelley

“[After] law school, an unexpected opportunity came to teach abroad. Initially I was reluctant. 从专业角度来说,我认为这是退步.”

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Gregory Lipper

“My first courtroom hearing was in a pro bono asylum case on behalf of a journalist and that journalist's family.”

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Miriam A. Valoy

“After experiencing my own real estate loss during the financial crisis and getting laid off, 我报名参加了野外拓展训练.”

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